A car loan is a great way to drive your dream car without making the complete payment upfront. You don’t need to wait for some more months or years to buy your dream car as you can take a car loan to meet your fund requirement.
A car loan is a great way to drive your dream car without making the complete payment upfront. You don’t need to wait for some more months or years to buy your dream car as you can take a car loan to meet your fund requirement.
There are two broad categories of personal loans i.e. secured personal loan and unsecured personal loan. The former is secured against mortgage of gold, insurance policies etc. while the latter does not require any mortgage from the customer.
Achieve all your goals and aspirations; with the right kind of help, exactly when you need it.
KYC Documents
Identity Proof – PAN / Passport / Driver’s License / Voter ID card / Aadhaar card, etc.) and
Address Proof– Passport / Aadhaar card / Landlines Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill, Ration Card, etc.)
A/c. Statement
Bank statements of the last 6 months
Details of the previous loans and A/c Statement for last 1 year, if any
For salaried employees
Form 16 or IT returns – last 2 years
Salary slips for last 3 months
For self-employed
Income Tax Returns
Turnover proof/service tax returns
Proof of business continuity
Balance sheet for the last 3 years
Address proof of the work place
Qualification or registration proof required for Self-employed Professionals
Please note that the documents proof may vary from individual to individual. We take pride in ourselves on keeping up an active & responsible relationship with our customers throughout the process from applying till disbursal.
The present company you are working for.
Tenure available is from 12 to 60 months,
Processing fees chargeable up to 2% of the loan amount
Worried about your children’s wedding in the family? Want to send your child abroad for further studies? Want to be rent free and build your own house? Yes, Personal Loans is the answer to all these queries.
Eligibility loan amount is dependent on several key factors such as your profession, work profile, ballpark expenditure, rate of interest, size of the family, residence ownership tenure of the loan among others.
As a standard practice, certain % of your monthly income is usually counted as EMI.On the basis of your monthly income, the eligibility calculator defines an approximate figure of finance.
Personal loans are usually incurred for higher studies, renovation of the residence/work place, marriage of a loved one, high end consumer products, abroad vacations, medical emergencies etc.
Some basic eligibility factors are as follows:
Employment: Have had a job for at least 2 years, and a minimum of 1 year with your current employer
Earning: Minimum income: Rs. 12,000/- per month net income
Maximum age of applicant at loan maturity: 60 years
Minimum Net Monthly Income: Rs 15,000
Applicant should have the bank specified credit score.
Now apply for a Car Loan online, All you need to do is provide your details below application form.